Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Hello my dear family! And possibly if anyone else reads this!
There's so many things that I could tell you! The MTC is getting better. I know that it's where i'm supposed to be and that helps a lot. But I do the same thing every day pretty much. I hope that I'm learning a ton and that really helps. The spanish has come really well and that's wonderful, but it's still a different language and i learn more each day. I'll be honest with you, I think that i've studied more in the two weeks i've been here, then i did in all of high school. But don't tell mom. Haha no but it really is great. I have class twice a day, and my teachers are wonderful. They're return missionaries and they really understand us here. I have as much class time as I would in school, 6 hours, plus i have around 3 hours a day where i study personally or i study with my companion. The food has actually gotten better. But you never know how it's going to be. It's either really good, or the exact opposite.
Personal life has been pretty good. For the most part, I really love my district. They're all really kind and we're all in the same boat so it's nice to have others to talk with. Elder Cope (my companion) is great. We are a lot a like in a lot of ways. We get along really really well and I'm very grateful for that. Because although I like everyone else in my district, sometimes they are hard to get along with, and there's only 2 other Elders i think that i could be companions with. Oh and remember that one Elder that I have a real hard time with sometimes? Yea you better believe he just got made one of the Zone Leaders. Oh well. His two companions are my good friends, and they're really level headed, so it shouldn't be too bad. But i hope he doesn't abuse his power. I just keep remembering to rely on the Lord and He will help me with all of it.
Well Easter is coming up in a couple days, and being here in the MTC it's kind of strange. We're so isolated from the world, that we all sort of forgot about it until recently. Guess why we remembered?? Because A General Authority is coming to speak to us! They say since it's a holiday either an Apostle will come or someone from the First Presidency! Because we get a General Authority every Tuesday, but they are just Area Seventy usually. Which is great! They all still have wonderful messages and bring the spirit a lot! It will just be kool to see an Apostle or First Presidency member! I'll let you know which one comes! But like I said before, we all sort of lose track of time and stuff like that. We didn't know it was St. Patrick's Day until they had it on a bulliten board at lunch. It's nice here. It really is. I can't complain. It's just a lot different than you would expect. The joke is that it's Spirit Prison. Because it's somewhat like a prison. We have certain for gym. Certain time for showers. Meal Times (and it probably tastes similar to prison food). We have our entire days planned out for us. And we can't leave. Well we could, but it's like there's an invisible wall holding us in. Haha but it's just a joke. We all know why we're here and everyone that I know wants to be here. I know I do. So it's alright. Speaking of Gym, every day I play volleyball, and you'd never guess how good i'm getting. It's awesome. Then on P-day's we work out in the acutal gym like weights and stuff. I won't get fat Mandy. Count on it! Wanna know why? Because one of my friends, Elder Livingston, does P90x every other night, and guess who started doing it with him. This guy. Haha but really, there's enough to do here that if I put forth an effort, I should be okay.
I got sick at the beginning of this week and I was really grateful for the Dayquil you sent me mom. It helped a ton! And i've better now, it only lasted a couple days. But i've been making sure to drink lots of water and I've actually been eating more healthy. I do my best to eat something green every meal because the food they give us isn't that good for you. I usually end up having a salad because their vegetables are no good. And it's not just cause i'm picky. The veggies and NASTY. Trust me. But overall, life is pretty good. I'm ready to get out of here for the most part. I want to go in the field and teach real people instead of teaching my teachers who just pretend to be someone else. But i know I will have a lot to learn so i'm okay staying for a while.
Mom and Dad! Happy Anniversary! You are the cutest couple in the whole world! Even cuter than me and Copper. So that means a lot eh? I miss you both like crazy. I think of you often, but not enough to distract me from why i'm here. I'm so grateful for all the the things that you taught me. Each of you. You are so wonderful and I'm so blessed to have been born into such a wonderful family. I'm really grateful that you support me so much. There's a Hermana in my district whose Dad is mad that she's out here, so won't talk to her. I don't think I could handle that so I'm really grateful. Thank you for all the support that you give me. It helps me more than you know. The loving words that you write me help me so much. I read them daily if I have the time. I love you both so much more than words could possible describe. I know that it's tough being separated, but this is my calling. The Lord has called me to do this and I know it's for the best. And I know that this week will be especially hard for you because of Mandy leaving too, but the Lord will support you and us while we're gone. I know that I will see you again sooner than we think. I can't wait for that day either. To be able to hug you both and be able to say that I did it. I worked hard and accomplished what I set out to do. Like it says in 2 Timothy 4:7, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course. I have kept the faith." I know that if I come home being able to say that, then I will be the happiest I've ever been. To look into both of your eyes and know that you are proud of me. I will come home like that Mom and Dad. I will. Because I was raised by you. Because I can do it. I will. I love you Mom and Dad.
Mandy. Are you ready for this?? Prepare to have your world rocked, but hopefully in a good way. No a great way! You'll have a wonderful time. Just remember in hard times, that there is no where better for you to be. This is what the Lord wants for you and me and all the missionaries here. Mandy I'm really proud of you. You've been such an amazing example to me my whole life. You've always showed me how to do things. I 'm so grateful for that. You have such a strong spirit and I know that you will do wonderful things in Hong Kong. That is exactly why the Lord needs you there. Not only does He want you there, He needs you. And He will be there for you every step of the way. You're amazing Mand. And when the age was changed, when your time finally arrived, you set everything else aside. Boys, school, work, and the life you had. And you said, like in Isaiah 6:8 "Here am I, Send me." When your number was called, you stood and answered it. You were the example for me and showed me what to do. I'm so grateful for that. I can't wait to see you on Wednesday. I love you.
Patrick. I hope that school is going well. I know that times can be tough when it comes to friends and things like that. But remember that Heavenly Father is always with you. He wants to help you with school and friends. He wants to know what's going on in your life. Rely on Him Patrick. Even if it means praying in class or in the bathroom or where ever you are. The Lord will help you Patrick. I know it. I love you so much. Stay strong and don't forget who you are. Because you're a great guy Patrick. And I know that if you stay worthy and if you work hard, you will be an amazing missionary one day. I promise you it will be worth it. I promise. Take care of everyone for me. I love you.
Taylor. I hope that you're doing well! I hope that you know that I love you and miss you. Baseball starts up soon right? That will be fun for you and all the brothers. You'll be great. Just remember the things you've learned and don't be afraid to ask questions. Taylor I hope you learn to love the gospel. I hope you find happiness in it. I hope that you always remember that Heavenly Father loves you. Don't forget that. I love you.
Conner. I hope you're doing good! I think about you everytime someone quotes Bad Lip Reading! There's a girl in my class that quotes it every single day! So i remember you a lot. Don't forget that Heavenly Father loves you. Don't forget to pay attention in Primary and learn as much as you can about Jesus Christ. I miss you buddy. I love you.
Well my time is just about up. I love you all so very much. I miss you and think about you often. I love the letters that you all write me and I got your Dear Elders! And I love al the cookies that i've got! Thank you so much for the little notes and letters. Those were great to have too. You are all so amazing and help me every single day. I know Mandy is coming on Wednesday, I don't know if i'll be able to be a Host. But i'm trying. I do have Gym at 12 25- 1 15. If i see you outside the gym I'm going to run out and see you. I'll do all that I can. What time do you come in Mandy? Let me know before Wednesday and I'll do everything I possible can to find you. But there's a lot of people. I hope it works out. And if it doesn't I'll see you all soon anyways! I'm going to try and write you a letter later today if I have time, but it probably won't be big or anything. I love you all so much! I'm not sure if you have any but if you have stamps i could use some more! If not that's okay! I think I can buy them here. Could you also send me a copy of my Patriachial blessing? That would be wonderful.
Well my family, I love you so much! I want you to know that I have a testimony of this Gospel. I know that it is true. Without any doubt I know it is. I'm so excited that I get to live with you for eternity. I can't wait. Thank you for everything you've ever done for me and thank you for all that you're still doing for me today! I love you!
-Elder Morgan

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